Oakville Transit Five-Year Business Plan

Project overview

The Oakville Transit Five-Year Business Plan provides a roadmap for where and how transit services are provided in the Town of Oakville over the next five years (2025-2029). The five-year plan prepares Oakville Transit for community growth and maximize service and ridership potential. 

The plan will explore new service strategies, capitalize on planned investments in rapid transit services, and better connect neighbourhoods within the town, surrounding municipalities, and the broader Greater Toronto Area.

The plan was approved by Council in November 2024.

Related plans

The Oakville Transit Five-Year Business Plan aligns with other planning documents and planning work underway in the town, including:


If you have questions about this study, or if you require information in an alternate format, please contact:

Joanne Phoenix
Manager of Planning and Administrative Services
905-845-6601, ext. 3504.